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Advanced: Approaching Matchups

5 Sessions 2.5 hours $70

Recommended Ranks: Garyu to Tekken King As you start to climb up the ranks, you're going to run into options that you might not be necessarily sure how to beat, when you go and try and figure out how to beat those options, you may feel overwhelmed, and not sure where to start. How can we make such an important part of the improvement process, less overwhelming? For this course, we'll focus on a specific character and learn what's the best way to approach learning a matchup in a way that's not overwhelming.

Sessions Overview

Targeting Matchup Weaknesses

30 minutes

Where do we even begin with learning how to beat a character? Lets find out.

Training Punishments / Sharpening Reactions

30 minutes

To find matchup Success we gotta learn how to punish key things. We'll be spending time focusing on that and making drills to perfect it.

Mock Battle

30 minutes

Let's play against that specific character.

Identifying and Correct Mistakes

30 minutes

After the match, we're going to revist the character, look and what we did better and make notes on how we should approach the matchup next time.


30 minutes

Let us take a look back and recap what we learned!

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