



I used to be Plat 1 50% wr in early 2021 yet I started in season 5 and played a ton. Now I've reached what's about Rank 100 Challenger in NA -> High Grandmaster 700LP rank512 in EUW I'm addicted to growth and changed massively over the last few years. I was platinum 1 50% winrate a few years ago when I decided to quit college in order to become a proplayer and I will. This extra money will allow me to keep on improving my lifestyle in order to maximize my effectiveness in and out of game. Sounds odd? I know, but just mindlessly spamming games didn't work out for me so I'm making it work myself. Getting tons of coaching from some of the best coaches in the world upon every role to cover my offroles and reviewing myself for thousands of hours allowed me to reach such a deep level of understanding, not only about the game, but about the different psychological processes involved in getting yourself to play at your very best and improve massively on a weekly basis. Most Challenger coaches got it in easier servers even if they won't admit it, reached Challenger as "naturals". But my genetic ceiling seemed to be it. I quit the game after being hardstuck in D5 and destroying my mental health in season 8. Low self-esteem, I went into self-development with insane hunger for knowledge, legit getting Tony Robbins seminars and others, because I was so addicted to growth. Surprisingly enough, I returned to that videogame, this time with a much healthier approach, with a vision, in fact. And that vision is being accomplished right now. I've already made the impossible possible in my life and will continue to do so. I know better than anyone what it takes to DESTROY your "genetic ceiling". I was the guy with a million thoughts flying at insane speed completely incoherently, dragging me away from the present moment and also been diagnosed with "ADHD" which I now know to be untrue. Simply rewiring the subconscious mind seemed impossible to the scientifics but science is changing at a fast pace. And I'm a proof that this is possible. And my goal is to prove that anything is possible if you're willing to go the distance with a smart approach Now who do you want to teach you a language, a native who will struggle to understand what's going through your mind, or someone who was exactly in your shoes and knows precisely the steps you need to take and not take because he did that exact same journey? -> If I were to coach my 3 years younger self, he would make it in about 8 months. I'm certain that I can make you gain thousands of hours of struggle and provide you with yet unknown insights on the League of Legends community that will give you an edge beyond measure. None will teach you in a way that will make you climb as fast as me, and I'll teach you not to make the mistake I made by the past, and therefore to actually enjoy this journey and have fun, which will make the results a lot faster. I'm also going to free you completely from your urge to tilt and get angry at your team, as your psychology and ability to improve is a large portion of my job. I coached every role and every rank, and the higher rank people are, the more they will quickly order another session because the kind of value I offer is unmatched. Come on my server and see it yourself. I will coach you 1 hour totally for free. You can also see other coachings for free on the server for now. Ask me for a vod in your role and I will deliver it to you if you want to see how it goes and learn a lot. Can't wait to take you to the next level and help you fulfill your ambitions, Kozo

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