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Have you ever find yourself binging youtube videos to find out how to climb the ranked ladder in league of legends? Have you had coaching before but it didn't really work out? I'm here to help you out and I GUARANTEE you improvement! I've coached over 300 individual cases through multiple coaching platforms. I can coach all roles but I deem honesty of the upmost importance so with full transparancy I'm most comfortable coaching Midlane, Jungle and Toplane. 🔴The reason most people find themselves stuck in a certain rank is often a combination of autopilot, drawing wrong conclusions from mistakes, mentality and being overwhelmed by information. Often times I'm surprised with the amount of knowledge lower tier players have. The issue I found, is that people tend to be overwhelmed by all the information they posses and they find it very hard to decide what concepts they ACTUALLY should apply in-game. On top of that there's all the individual mistakes you can make as a player. 🔴What will I do as a coach to help you with all these struggles? First and foremost I will make you aware of the mentality that's necessary to have a succesful climb. League is just as much a mental game as it is a mechanical and macro game. Furthermore, I will break down the game into different phases and make you understand each phase so that we can create a gameplan that works for you. League of Legends isn't that difficult or advanced. There are just a lot of different concepts, that are easy to understand individually, but it's hard to implement all of them. As I coach I can teach you the main concepts so that the game is not overwhelming anymore. This way you will know what to do and when to do it throughout the entire game.On top of that having a gameplan is not only a necessity for climbing but it also make the game a lot more fun :D! 🔴I've been playing league of legends for about 10 years and if there's one thing I've learned is this: It's not because you're a good player that you're a good coach. Understanding concepts while playing and explaining those concepts to people who've never heard of those concepts before, is a completely different matter. I'm both and experienced player and an experienced coach. I would love to teach you all my knowledge!

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