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League of Legends

Taric Lightrocket Lessons - League of Legends

A group specifically for teaching League of Legends to students! All roles and all champions as I have a Challenger background. I have specialized courses in learning Taric and Taric mechanics! :D

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$30.00 / month
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About me

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About me

Challenger Taric Jungle/Support Player, Challenger every season on 2 accounts since Season 11 (2022). Coaches All Roles All Champions. Specialized Taric Mechanics Course. 35$ per hour 100$ for 3 hours for live games and VOD review. Please contact me on discord for a faster response. Thank you!

  • Location CDT
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Frequently asked questions

Why do you play Taric Jungle?

I realized years ago that Taric was stronger in the Jungle due to mana issues, passive usage, and other reasons. Taric is actually a jungler in my opinion but "in the meta" is only seen as a support.

Do I take PTA or Glacial?

Rune choice is very versatile with Taric, so you will have to be smart about what rune you are choosing. Do you need to be fast, slow them, deal damage etc. in certain team comps changes what runes/items I will choose.

How experienced are you at coaching?

I've coached people directly on discord for 2 years and on other platforms for about a year. I've coached at every rank and role, while still specializing in Jungle/Support with Taric knowledge.

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