Lion's SoloQ Strats, Tips, and Tricks
A one-stop-shop for goofy angles, one-spot strats, and cheeky nades
From the community

DK Reason
Lion is an encyclopedia! He is the shortcut to progress faster. A true master in his craft.
Meet your Community host

About me
Through macro and micro strategies, building protocols, and one-to-one coaching, my priority is engaging effectively with others in order to drive progress. Whether it’s macro strategies for the whole team, coaching individuals on a micro level, or developing player communication, I believe the acce...
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I'm at X rank/ELO is coaching still going to work?
I've coached everyone from Silvers to FACEIT 10s, there is always a way to learn and improve.
What is your coaching method?
Collaborative. We'll work together and find what's best for you. That could mean just rattling off info, but more often it's about identifing your strengths and knowledge gaps.
What's the best way to contact you?
Through Discord: lioncs