Lord Flipper

Lord Flipper


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Hello, I am Vincenzo - I coach Jungle, Top, Mid, Support and ADC. I have 7 years of full time coaching experience. I have been playing competitive League of Legends for 7 years on EUW. My peak is Challenger TOP Master on every role . I have coached over 1000 clients with excellent feedback from Iron to Challenger. Wave management Mentality Farming Trading Understanding win conditions Macro & Micro Builds & Runes Session structure Pre game discussion - Skill, desired rank You play a game or we VOD review to identify areas of improvement Live coaching Post session discussion and personalised report on where to improve I will also be available any time in the future to answer questions you may have and provide tips to improve. After the session I will send you a personalised report on how to improve and areas to work on with your game and any videos that may aid in your improvement. Speak soon, Vincenzo. NEW* A large number of my new clients return for repeat sessions, I also offer personalised packages over longer periods.

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Pre-coaching discussion

This will be a simple call (15 minutes long) where we will talk about what type of coaching session you would like to get. We can improve on different things with different sessions and talking about like: Wave management Mentality Farming Trading Understanding win conditions Macro & Micro Builds & Runes

1 Session 30 mins
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Get challenger coaching in league of legends for every role

Hello, I am Vincenzo - I coach Jungle, Top, Mid, Support and ADC. I have 3 years of full time coaching experience. I have been playing competitive League of Legends for 8years on EUW. My peak is Challenger 540LP for Season 11 and Master or GM in typical seasons. I have coached over 300 clients with excellent feedback from Iron to GM. Wave management Mentality Farming Trading Understanding win conditions Macro & Micro Builds & Runes Session structure Pre game discussion - Skill, desired rank You play a game or we VOD review to identify areas of improvement Live coaching Post session discussion and personalised report on where to improve I will also be available any time in the future to answer questions you may have and provide tips to improve. After the session I will send you a personalised report on how to improve and areas to work on with your game and any videos that may aid in your improvement. Speak soon, Vincenzo. NEW* A large number of my new clients return for repeat sessions, I also offer personalised packages over longer periods.

1 Session 1 hour
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Lets learn how to play like Rank 1 World Fiora in 3 steps

I'm LordFlipper an ex Fiora one trick who hit rank 1 Fiora in the world in season 10 I've peaked around 300 LP when i was rank 1 at that time with over 70% WR on that season, and I have overall like 2000 games of experience on Fiora I made this training plan because I love Fiora and I think she is a champ that can easily 1v9 games! We cover matchups / runes / summoners spells / itemization / combos / mechanics / win conditions & any questions. I will also teach you the importance of Riposte timing, this is CRITICAL.

3 Sessions 3 hours

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