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League of Legends
League of Legends
3 Sessions 3 hours $60

Lets learn how to play like Rank 1 World Fiora in 3 steps

I'm LordFlipper an ex Fiora one trick who hit rank 1 Fiora in the world in season 10 I've peaked around 300 LP when i was rank 1 at that time with over 70% WR on that season, and I have overall like 2000 games of experience on Fiora I made this training plan because I love Fiora and I think she is a champ that can easily 1v9 games! We cover matchups / runes / summoners spells / itemization / combos / mechanics / win conditions & any questions. I will also teach you the importance of Riposte timing, this is CRITICAL.

Sessions Overview

Matchup guide and runes

1 hour

We will talk about every matchup ( from the most common to the most rare, and from the easiest to the harder ) so we have an idea when to pick her if we don't wanna be onetrick fiora but we just want to use her in good situations, also we will tak about when to pick her if she fits in the teamcomp depending both enemy or your teammates teamcomp, but in general is gonna be easy to make fiora strong until you get to high master shes really hard to play against and beat when splitpushing correctly and using your powerspikes at the best way you can, we will also talk about different runes setup depending the situation.

Summoner spells and itemization

1 hour

In this session we are gonna talk about which summoner spells to take and what is the best itemization depending not only the enemy top laner but also the enemy teamcomp , so we can decide when to go for a more tanky build or lifesteal oriented or teamfight oriented build depending the situation.

Combos + Mechanics and how to splitpush/ teamfight

1 hour

This is really important cause if we don't have a good idea on how to play fiora correctly microwise then is not gonna be enough having good knowledge on everything if you can't play fiora in teamfight/ laning phase or sidelane after laning phase. We will focus a lot on combos and how to position yourself both in lane or in teamfight , what target to prioritize in teamfight and more!

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