


36 followers 2 following

2500+ peak player, over 100+ students, 1 year of coaching, all positive reviews!

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1:1 coaching

We'll watch your ranked games and show you exactly how to break any bad habits and mistakes. I'll show you how to better take advantage over your opponent's mistakes!

1 Session 1 hour


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Hey I'm lxuliy and I've put together this Training Plan geared towards players at a rating below 2200. This plan covers everything from punishing to mastering spacing, refining movement techniques, and more. If you're wanting to boost your rank significantly, this plan is made to help you climb the ladder and reach new heights!

8 Sessions 8 hours
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Showing you the best way to go about playing lance, I'll go over all the ends and outs, combos, reads, and the best way to use your movekit all at a affordable price. I've consistently been the rank 1 vector and in the top 10 ulgrim players globally, as well as one of the highest PR lance player in us-e

5 Sessions 5 hours
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New to coaching or unsure if I'll be the best fit? Feel free to schedule a date and we can have a 30 minute chat (call or messages) where you can ask any questions or maybe see what our sessions would primarily go over depending on your current situation

1 Session 30 mins
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1:1 30 minutes

Short session going over your mistakes and how to fix them won't be as in depth as a 1 hour session.

1 Session 30 mins
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