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My name is Tom Wayland. I'm a Doctor from Cambridge and a professional Hearthstone player since 2017. I reach #1 legend in Standard every month. I’ve also reached #1 legend 3 times in Wild, and finished 9th place at the European Championships in 2019. I’m not like other coaches. I don’t just tell you what cards to play. I’ll teach you the tools and the strategies you need to work out the best plays and reach high legend by yourself! My lessons are completely flexible to your needs, but I would highly recommend this tried and tested format for our first lesson: 1) 5-10 minutes teaching how to use statistics (HSReplay) to build and optimise a deck 2) 5 minutes teaching how to work out which cards you should keep in your mulligan 3) The rest of the lesson will be spent on ladder, focussing on improving the way you play your deck. I’ll teach you how to plan out your turn so you make less mistakes, how to work out the best game plan in any matchup, and how to self-improve through reflection. Bring ANY deck with you to the lesson, and Dr. Meati will give you all the skills you need to fix it up and use it to reach top 10 legend! Feel free to reach out to me on Twitter (@MeatiHS) or Discord (Meati#9269) before our lesson if you have any questions - I’d be happy to answer them! Also, be sure to follow me on Twitter where I often post awesome FREE coaching tips!

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