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I am a Partnered Twitch streamer (Minisodaa) , I have made a community on twitch that is all about helping one another get weekly keys done and push io up. I have been pushing as a Tank and healer for a couple years now. I have been playing wow on and off since launch and coaching players for years. I have a ton of patience and I can guarantee with my coaching you will see improvements.I mainly stream on twitch and help players get a grasp of what is needed to better themselves in PVE situations such as raids and dungeons. I have helped hundreds of players become confident in making their own groups for content without relying on pugs or waiting hours to get constantly declined in LFG queues. I coach primarily tanks and healers on cooldown management, routes, rotations, stat weights, progression, and positioning. As a coach my main goal is to get you to where you want to be! If you need any PVE help or are wondering what you can do to improve your gameplay make sure to book a session so we can start cracking down on what you may need to change to get to those goals done! I have over 18+ years experience in the game doing some of the highest content WoW has to offer. I am a day one Wow gamer. - Twitch Partner - 4 Years - CE achievements - 18+ years of WoW experience - 5+ years of coaching in games and iRL Sports - Top 1% of all of Shadowlands on Tanks and Healers - Currently 3.4k Dragonflight Season 3 Protection Paladin I specialize in tank classes and growing players into leading others through content. For healers and dps players i also guide and coach on how to position better for instances as well as cooldown management, routes, rotations, stat weights, progression, etc... I really enjoy helping people become better and more self sufficient in the game. Gaming is my passion and always has been. To be able to stream full time as well as become a coach for Metafy is a dream come true. If you are struggling with any PVE aspects of the game and are wondering what you can improve on to get invited into dungeon groups/raids, i strongly advise you to book a session with me and really see the potential growth you have! I have over 10+ years experience in the game doing some of the highest content WoW has to offer. - Twitch Partner - Multiple CE achievements - 10+ years of WoW experience - 5+ years of coaching wow and Youth Football - Season 3 DF Currently 3.4k rating on Protection Paladin

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