Momma Toasterʼs avatar

Momma Toaster


8 followers 2 following

I became a Smash Bros Mom in 2019. I strive to utilize my presence in the community to spread positivity, help players with mentality, and be a source of constant support for players who want to feel seen and heard. I have a Bachelor of Science degree in Psychology, which I feel gives me a comprehensive understanding of human behaviors and provides a unique lens to view esports competition, such as uncovering key patterns and discerning specific habits. I love to help others and want everyone to feel successful. I fully understand the passion so many of you feel for Smash Bros, or your game of choice. I encourage you to continue to follow your dreams and find joy in the things that matter to you, even when you feel that nobody supports or understands you. I do, and I always will. A little about me: I am basically a big kid at heart - I play and collect Pokémon, I love plushies, and love being silly. I enjoy taking road trips, watching baseball, and learning about history. My favorite video games growing up were anything Mario Bros, Donkey Kong Country, and Paperboy on the SNES. I am also an affiliate of @MajestyGaming Pics by @bluerosetori and @_LeGroom

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