Mr Peck

Mr Peck


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I'm Mr Peck, a Skullgirls player who has been competing since the game launched back in 2012. I'm based in the UK but I have a lot of experience with international competition, having travelled to several offline tournaments in the US and around Europe over the past 8 years. I've also had a long history of teaching players the game and creating educational content, with YouTube video series' such as the "How To Play Peacock" beginner Peacock guide and the "Tuestorials" advanced game mechanic explanations. My text-based guides on adapting in neutral, making comebacks, and getting the most out of each hit also helped a lot of intermediate-level players push their game to the next level. Zoning is my main speciality and I'm mostly known for my all-zoner team of Peacock/Robo/Parasoul these days. But I've played most characters at one point or another, and I have enough matchup experience against the rest of the cast to give useful advice. My zoning experience also helps me do a better job of coaching players on how to play *against* zoners, of course!

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