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Hi! I'm NoTag. I'm a Mario main from SC and I've lived in MDVA for 5 years! I'm a Mario/Samus comain that's been playing competitively since late 2016. I have achieved many achievements in my smash career. I've gotten power ranked in every region that I've lived in. I am currently ranked #128 in North America on Orion Rank, #281 in the world on the 1000 Rankings, and i am currently ranked #1 in South Carolina with strong players like Peabnut and Mage within my region. I have gotten wins on multiple top players like, Peabnut, Puppeh, BacoN, Rfang, Suarez, Wadi, Regalo, Naitosharp, Jules and more! I have won many tournaments and events over many players on the east coast like Rock The Hill, Flowertown Rumble 5, Queen City Anniversary, and more! Rock The Hill is a Carolina regional hosted by Winthrop University. It had 181 entrants coming from all over the southeast coast and there I won my first regional. If you would like to check out more of my stats, you can view it here with this link: I started coaching in 2018. My first ever student was BacoN. BacoN is a solo Dr Mario main and is notably the best dr Mario in North American. He consistently places just as well as I do, he has a metafy of his own now (you can book a lesson with him here:, and he's very successful in his smash career. I have also coached others as well like Bluko, a southern VA megaman main that's ranked # 7 in his region! Here both BacoN and Bluko are ranked top 10 in their region: AmarX, a Richmond VA min min player that won his sub region's Arcadian, got 2nd at his main region's Arcadian, and is now ranked # 5 in his region. His regional PR is located here: I view the game in a fundamental way. I like to assess and think things through like a regular fighting game. For example, what are my character's win/lose conditions, how can I get there, what are my opponent's win/lose conditions, how do they like to get there, what area of fundamental does my opponent struggle with, how do I adapt, etc. When adapting, I use normal troubleshooting methods to figure out the problem. What is the problem, what can i do about the problem, how can i apply it to my situation, now implement the solution. Lastly, a normal session will be based off what type of lesson that the student wants and what the student wants to work on. I will make a small document and make notes on what other things that i see, then give them stuff to work on at the end of the lesson.

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Anti Mario

In this lesson, I will cover how to fight against Mario! I recommend taking more than one lesson for more details.

1 Session 1 hour
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Vod Review

In this lesson, we will do a vod review and take notes on the positives and negatives of the vod that is sent.

1 Session 1 hour
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Mario gauntlet

In this lesson, you will face me and 2 or 4 other Mario's in back to back either FT3 or FT5 sets.

1 Session 2 hours
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Gamplan development

Here we will develop/improve your current primary and or secondary gameplan. You MUST do a best of 3/5 against a CPU going FULL auto pilot without deviating from it. This is crucial for the lesson. I will break down your playstyle in each area of fundamentals then describe the direct counter to your primary gameplan then we will create a secondary gameplan based off the direct counter to your primary.

1 Session 1 hour
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Anti Samus

In this lesson, I will cover how to fight Samus! I recommend taking more than 1 lesson for more details!

1 Session 1 hour
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Fundamental training

Here we will play some games and we will work on whatever you wanted to work on listed in your goals for the lesson or we can work on the things that i've identified while playing you.

1 Session 1 hour
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First To 5

Here we will do a first to 5 set either on wifi or in person!

1 Session 1 hour
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First to 10

Here we will do a first to 10 set on either offline or on wifi!

1 Session 1.5 hours
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1hr grind session

This is a session where we grind for an hour. Please have something to work on in mind prior to session.

1 Session 1 hour
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Mario guide

In this training plan, I will teach you how to play as Mario in ssbu

4 Sessions 4 hours
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Fundamentals guide

In this training plan, I will teach each area of fundamentals. This is meant for more mid level to lower high level players.

4 Sessions 8 hours

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