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Freestyle MASTERCLASS (1 on 1)

Rocket League
Rocket League
8 Sessions 8 hours $699

Personalized 1-on-1 course (BEST VALUE MASTERCLASS) This is a 1 MONTH long masterclass designed to elevate you as far as possible in freestyling. Ever wanted to become a top freestyler, or perhaps just improve your mechanics? In this course, you'll learn everything you'd want. I'm OSM, and throughout my 10,000-hour Rocket League career, I've always Freestyled. From my Freestyle knowledge, I've made a YouTube channel where I upload all my Freestyle-related content, as well as having coached hundreds of players for Freestyling so far! Using my knowledge, I'll teach you everything I know to help you improve. If you have any questions, just message me here on Metafy or reach out to me in DMs on twitter! @OSM_RL

Sessions Overview

Mechanics Learning

1 hour

We start things simple, in this session, I'll teach you EVERY mechanic you want to learn. Doesn't matter what mechanic you want to do, we'll go over it and you WILL learn it!

SPECIALIZED Freestyle Program

1 hour

By now, I've learned a lot about you & your mechanical ability, and with that knowledge, I'll configure a COMPLETE Freestyle training program, personally specialized entirely for you. This freestyle training program is completely private for only you. It's complete, with a whole week-by-week schedule for the entire month. In this training program, you'll be able to follow what things you need to do every day in Rocket League. What things you need to improve on and how to improve them, added tools for certain weaknesses you have (such as training packs, tutorials, guides, and free-play plan) As well as weekly & daily challenges to complete! You'll be given certain tasks throughout the week that last a specific amount of time in order to make sure you stay on a steady growth to become the best possible Freestyler.


1 hour

In this session, we'll get introduced to each other and begin understanding what your Freestyle situation is like. This will also give me an opportunity to show how we'll work together for the rest of our sessions too! It's a perfect opener to get to know each other.

Creative Freestyling

1 hour

A fundamental part of Freestyling is coming up with new innovative, creative freestyle shots. In this session, I'll go over how you can think outside the box when attempting to find something new and exciting to learn in Freestyling! And no, it doesn't matter what rank you are, this is meant for ANYONE!

Mechanics Learning

1 hour

Just like last time, I'll teach you EVERY mechanic you want to learn. We'll go over it, we'll touch up on previous mechanics you've been learning, and you WILL learn something new!

THE FINAL Freestyle!

1 hour

Finally, at the end of all sessions, this will be our very last one. IN THIS SESSION WE WILL: Go over everything you've learned, and what you still wish to learn. Check up on the Specialized Freestyle Program to see how things have gone! Check on Creative Freestyling again to see how you've progressed! Finish things off by freestyling against, or with each other as a final goodbye.

Freestyle Session Together!

1 hour

In this Freestyle session, you get to choose whether or not to do a Freestyle 1v1 against me, or go into online and Freestyle together, for 2 hours! In addition; We'll also go over how you've been improving, to again ensure that you stay on a steady path of improvement!

Freestyle Session Together!

1 hour

Again this time we make a return to another Freestyle session together! You get to choose whether or not to do a Freestyle 1v1 against me, or go into online games and Freestyle together! In addition; We'll go over how you've been improving, to ensure that you stay on a steady path of improvement!

Welcome to the Big Leagues

Congrats on going Pro! You now have the ability to offer paid sessions, groups, and guides. You also get access to The Handbook and even more resources to help you grow your business into the powerhouse we know it can be.