



Hello! I'm Oliver Eskolin, a passionate and dedicated Pokémon VGC competitor, hailing from the beautiful country of Finland. Since embarking on my competitive journey in 2017, I've immersed myself in the electrifying world of Pokémon battles, honing my skills and strategies with each tournament. My journey in the Pokémon VGC has been marked by notable successes and exhilarating challenges. I am proud to be the 2024 Gdańsk Regional Champion, a title that stands as a testament to my dedication and love for the game. Additionally, my performance as a finalist in the 2022 European International Championships showcases my ability to compete at the highest levels against top-tier opponents. Moreover, my career is highlighted by consistent achievements, including multiple appearances in Regional Championships Top Cuts and reaching the prestigious Day 2 stage at several International Championships. These accomplishments reflect not just my skill in battle, but also my deep understanding of team building, strategy, and the evolving meta-game. With a career spanning over six years, I've gathered a wealth of knowledge and experience that I am eager to share. Whether you're new to the world of Pokémon VGC or an experienced player looking to elevate your game, I'm here to guide you on your journey. Let's unlock your potential together and achieve greatness in the world of Pokémon VGC! For updates regarding coaching, availability and my tournament schedules, check out my twitter @OweVGC

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Live Coaching

Replays, Laddering and anything in between!

1 Session 1 hour
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Replay analysis

In this session, I will analyse the replay to identify mistakes and to improve future decision-making.

1 Session 1 hour
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Road to Regionals

This training plan will be your ultimate guide to competing at a live event. Here we will go through all the process' of becoming a competent VGC player.

3 Sessions 3 hours

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