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Street Fighter V
Street Fighter V
3 Sessions 1.5 hours $50

Rookie-Warlord series!

Everyone has specific goals in this game. Some people want to work on fundamentals and holistic gameplay and some people want to have the most points and show off fancy badges. Ironically they are not one in the same. Here I can show you how to move through ranks easier. Via improving your gameplay while working on being able to diagnose opponents tendencies quickly in order to get the dub!

Sessions Overview

Replay review

30 minutes

We reinforce it via replays by checking out your own matches and explaining where you can be more efficient in finding out the information you're looking for in order to expose your opponent.


30 minutes

We take the information we gathered from the replays and breakdowns and create exercises that you can practice for repetition to muscle memory in the situations that will continuously arise in future matches so you will be ready for them.

Diagnosing tendencies

30 minutes

Here we will explore efficient ways in order to "download your opponent" as quickly as possible inside of a ft2 match.

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