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Prepping for an Event: Picking the Best Deck and Piloting it Better

Pokémon TCG
Pokémon TCG
3 Sessions 3 hours $80.00

This plan includes 3 hours of coaching, split into 3 sections, each focusing on a different part of the Pokemon TCG. First, we will go over meta gaming and deck building to help you narrow in on a deck choice for an upcoming event. Second, we will do a session on sequencing with your options, with a quick overview of sequencing, and some more specific situations for your deck. Third, we will have a gameplay session to clean up your overall play with the deck and clear up any concerns before the event.

Sessions Overview

1 Hour Coaching with a Focus on Sequencing

1 hour

One of the most important skills in the Pokemon TCG is playing your cards in the best order to give you the highest chance of winning. In this session, we will go over some of the basics of sequencing, and some more general tips, then we will play some games and focus on optimizing each turn to maximize your options for the future and minimize the knowledge you give your opponent of your hand/deck.

1 Hour Coaching with a Focus on Meta Gaming and Deck Building

1 hour

We will talk about the expected meta for your next event, making some predictions and whatnot. I will talk you through my process of predicting the meta, look at some data. In the remaining time, we can narrow down your decks for an upcoming event and tweak the list based on some of the predictions made.

1 Hour Coaching with a Focus on Gameplay

1 hour

1 hour where I will quickly look over your list, give feedback, then we can play games either on ladder, or against me with the matchups you want. Main topics would be optimal sequencing each turn, navigating difficult matchups, etc.

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