If you are hardstuck, I'll coach you for free. Challenger in both KR (1300+) and NA (1100+).


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Very helpful coaching

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Teamfight Tactics Teamfight Tactics

Free Coaching!

Hardstuck and not sure how to climb, I got you. Free VOD review or live coaching, no strings attached. Nothing to lose!! Typically done through discord

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How to Become a Consistent Player [Free Coaching]
Teamfight Tactics Teamfight Tactics
How to Become a Consistent Player [Free Coaching] Whether it's silver, diamond, or masters, if you're struggling to consistently place top four, this guide is for you. In this guide, I'll explain the tips and tricks to help you climb the ranks as quickly as possible.
About me

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About me

TFT addict that somehow ended up decent at the game. Here to help you climb (only as a hobby)!! Need some coaching but don't have the money, try giving me a shot!

  • Location GMT+9
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Frequently asked questions

Why are you coaching for free?

I need a hobby to escape the cruel grasps of reality.

How do I know you're not secretly shit?

You don't. If you want a taste of what i have to offer, check out my YouTube Channel

What is your peak?

Set 13 Challenger KR 1400+ Challenger NA 1100+ Hardstuck masters previous set ㅜㅜ


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