Rawkus's Community

Welcome to Rawkus's Community! This is your place to connect with and learn from Rawkus and like-minded peers. Share opinions, insights, tips, or even French Onion Soup recipes (the trick is to use yellow onions).


From the community

lanceʼs avatar



Rawkus is an amazing coach. Very experienced and fun to work with.

ConnorQNʼs avatar



Probably the best coaches I’ve had!! Pointed out a lot of things I wouldn’t think about and helped me with my confidence. Highly recommended!!

About me

Meet your Community host




About me

I'm Rawkus. Over the past 8 years, I’ve competed at the highest levels in both Overwatch and Valorant. I I helped Team USA secure a World Cup Gold in Overwatch, and have been playing Valorant since beta with probably some of your favorite teams, streamers and players. As a player and in-game leade...

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Frequently asked questions

Why choose me as your Coach?

Great question! There's tons of amazing candidates but what I think I'm special for is that there is no one on this platform for Valorant at least with my pedigree or experience coaching at the highest level of competition, having a chance to work with all the amazing players in this game has really broadened my ability to teach, understand and communicate with people in order to help them grow as individuals and players!


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