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While being a regional threat since the beginning of Ultimate (Previous No.1 in Oregon), I received attention from out of my home of the PNW after my 17th place finish at Genesis 7. While I'm currently a solo lucas main, I have had success in bracket with many other characters (Greninja, Lucina, Etc.) I am a huge advocate of vod review and believe it is the MOST productive thing you can do to improve at smash(more so than actually playing!). I believe I am not only a productive smash coach, but will be able to teach you the tools I use to help myself. After playing the cello for 11 years, I understand at a fundamental level how to GET BETTER at something.

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General Vod review

The main thing holding many mid level players back from breaking through the plateau is lacking to review their games. Gaining more than surface level knowledge about match ups and seeing the effects of your actions will build your skills up until your actions are purposeful and thoughtful. This coaching will include timestamped notes about specific interactions, and end with a general break down of things to continue doing, and things that need to be improved upon. I recommend submitting games that were close, and from some kind of competitive bracket(although not required, highly encouraged)

1 Session 1 hour
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Lucas coaching

***INCLUDES 1 GAME OF VOD REVIEW AFTER*** Lucas is a character that people often over complicate with tech, or have issues with involving the tech into their game plan naturally. This coaching will range from playing games, to discussions about match ups and game plans, to live vod review.

1 Session 1 hour

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