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riste is a Season 9 (Season 13 GM Peak) Garen midlane/toplane player. He has over 9 Million Champion Mastery Points and has spent over four years streaming and educating other players on Garen. He has coached dozens of clients individually and can coach any rank. Find his stream live at twitch.tv/riste!

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Garen Coaching (3 Hours)

A popular coaching option that I have offered to many students before. Essentially, I'll get on voice comms with you and review your op.gg. After that assessment, we'll get you into a live game where I'll assist you to the best of my ability to help you win your game, offering encouragement, assistance, and constructive feedback on what you can do to impact the game positively. Afterwards, we'll post-assess, answering your questions and going into a replay to analyze your play further. This option is my longest coaching session possible, and we'll be able to get multiple games in with a spacious amount of time to review and to answer your questions. Please bear in mind that if you haven't been coached before, performing in front of a coach can be intimidating. If you feel like you'll be okay with me essentially backseating you, or you're not affected by the presence of a coach, I recommend this option.

1 Session 3 hours
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Garen Coaching

A popular coaching option that I have offered to many students before. Essentially, I'll get on voice comms with you and review your op.gg. After that assessment, we'll get you into a live game where I'll assist you to the best of my ability to help you win your game, offering encouragement, assistance, and constructive feedback on what you can do to impact the game positively. Afterwards, we'll post-assess, answering your questions and going into a replay to analyze your play further. This process usually only allows time for one game, but sometimes due to the game being low in substance I'll advise clients to queue up for another game. Please bear in mind that if you haven't been coached before, performing in front of a coach can be intimidating. If you feel like you'll be okay with me essentially backseating you, or you're not affected by the presence of a coach, I recommend this option.

1 Session 2 hours
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Replay/VOD Review with me (1 hour)

You and I go over a replay of your choice! We will discuss various aspects of the game in how it unfolded from laning phase to post-laning, to teamfights or splitting. In an hour, we'll also overview runes and items. Please Note: Some replays may take longer than an hour to dissect, especially when you may have questions that you'd like me to answer. It is my goal to get as much value out of the hour possible in helping you. You will have my undivided attention while I assist you.

1 Session 1 hour

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