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Masterclass Package

8 Sessions 8 hours $180

[Most Popular Package] This is a 8 week course, that will make you a better player no matter what rank you are in. Do you want to become an SSL, maybe a pro in the future? In this course we will go through everything that is needed to become a top level player. During this program I will be: - Answering any questions you might have - Guide you every step of the way - Track your progression - Make a Training Plan specifically for what you need. - 24/7 written support/coaching during this program (Outside of our sessions) - With guarantee make you a better player If you are dedicated to become better at Rocket League, this is the best program you can buy for the price. One coaching session can do a lot, but a customised 8 week program will ensure you will become closer to the player you are destined to be! We will go through everything such as boost-management, positioning, rotation, decision making, mechanics, everything you can think of. The program is very thought out, and made orderly for what is the best and easiest way for you to improve. And I will make sure to keep you on the right track the entire way. If you have any questions regarding this program, send me a message on here or my discord: (Ronaky) .

Sessions Overview

Week 1: Analyse Strengths & Weakness + Freeplay Training

1 hour

It's really important that we figure out what you need to work on the most at the start of your journey, so you can work on improving your biggest weaknesses as soon as possible!

Week 2: Live Coaching + Mentality

1 hour

I will be Live Coaching you while you are playing, to see if you have improved after the first session. And I will get a chance to hear your mentality while playing, and help you get the right mindset

Week 3: Focusing On The Details

1 hour

You've worked on the most important things, so now we need to go more in-depth with your gameplay. We will work on smaller details, that will be important for your overall improvement!

Week 4: Mechanics + Training Packs

1 hour

We will go through what mechanics you need to learn, or get better at. I will give you training packs, and guidance to how you can improve overall with your mechanics, and why they are important!

Week 5: Check-In + Discuss Progression

1 hour

We will discuss how we are feeling, and seeing what new changes we have been improving on, and what we need to work more on.

Week 6: Playing Together + Comms

1 hour

We will put your new skills to a test, and we will play together and learn how to use comms as a pro! Comms are ESSENTIAL if you want to get better at tournament level game-play.

Week 7: Tweaking Details

1 hour

Now that we have worked on everything, we need to go more into the details again. Details are the key to become a GREAT player. And we will look at more details you need to focus on.

Week 8: Recap + An Extra Hour

1 hour

We will go through everything we have worked on, and discuss where to go from here! You will also get an extra hour you can redeem after our sessions, that we can schedule!

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