


71 followers 1 following

Hello, my name is maple and I'm a Radiant peak player with competitive experience across multiple FPS titles. I have a passion for helping others learn about what I love, and aid them in improving as players and people. Although this is a coaching service where players are looking for constructive criticism, I do understand the fear of being judged. I am not here to do anything but help you improve at Valorant, and will only extend my assistance to lengths that you are comfortable with.

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Free Consultation Call

Have a quick chat with me about my credentials as a coach, my style of teaching, and anything else you'd like to know. This was created for potential customers who are unsure about whether or not they're ready to pay for a coaching session with me.

1 Session 30 mins
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VOD Review - Any Rank

I'm here to help you improve at any aspect of the game! I am not here to judge you as a person; I just want to help you be your best :)

1 Session 1 hour
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VOD Review - Bundle

Five, 1 hour long coaching sessions through the means of VOD review over discord for the price of 4.

5 Sessions 5 hours
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Mechanics Coaching Session

For those who want me to focus specifically on their mechanics, or a sole facet of it.

1 Session 30 mins

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