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From gamer to content creator, I’m Boogie! 2x Winner of THEGAMEHERS Coach of the year and the Boogie school of apex series on TikTok. She/her 29 years YOUNG DMV is where I reside. You can have the gun skills, the movement, and the dope heirlooms to show off but do you have the game awareness? Do you have that quick thinking to get out of a jam or quickly finishing a fight? That’s what I’m here to help you gain as a skill. Being able to shoot is only 50% of the game. The logistics get you the wins.

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Map/Ranked Rotations

From dropping hot or playing edge, rotation is key to survival in any battle royale matches. Explaining the ins and outs of maps, no matter the legends.

1 Session 3 hours
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Legend Mastery

Do you want to use your legend to its maximum potential? Or would like to learn the basics of a different legend to have more variety?! This is the lesson you need

1 Session 2 hours
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Tournament Reviews

Wanna see what happened during a tournament and where to improve? We can watch together and discuss gameby-game or play-by-play of what happened so we can improve more

1 Session 1 hour
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Comp vs Ranked Play-style

Ready to push into competitive? Here’s a way to help learn the slight yet significant difference of how the games can go. The 2 aren’t the same so you shouldn’t be playing the same. We’ll discuss meta teams, different comp style legends and more.

1 Session 3 hours
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1v1 Aim Training and Tracking

This will help with in-game movement of tracking enemies with any gun. Fine tuning of any ALCs or sensitivity to help get more accurate shots from any guns.

1 Session 2 hours
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Ranked Reviews

When you aren’t sure if your job as your role was performed, the team didn’t support, or if you honestly feel stuck in your gameplay, my reviews are to help in more ways than 1. Callouts during fights, paying attention to details of your teammates and their callouts, or missing something so simple that it’s overlooked.

1 Session 1 hour
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Master Rotation of Locations

Help you learn how to outplay enemies by rotating from various POIs on maps.

2 Sessions 3 hours
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I Just Wanna Play! Pub Matches

are you new to apex and want to learn how to keep up with your friends? Do you want to just loot fast and go fight? Well this session is for you! Learning the basics of Apex to a better extent than they give you in the firing range or in the beginning explanation of the game. Learn your favorite gun, basics of a legend, and nonetheless, HAVE FUN!

2 Sessions 2 hours

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