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Hello!🌸🌸 Shoe here and I have been a professional smash player for nearly one decade at this point and excited to continue with coaching into Smash Ultimate. I plan to utilize my experience as a teacher to develop well drafted lessons that will show you how to grow successfully. I am excited to continue helping all players improve from beginners who are excited to join smash all the way to people who have tournament experience. I also want to be a coach that focuses on mentality and developing a growth mindset since Smash is a crazy game that is always varied. There is never one formula to success. In terms of my competitive achievements, I have beaten various top 50 players and am always considered a bracket threat in majors. I have been ranked number 1 in Colorado various times and once held the spot for 3 years straight. In terms of other competitive achievements, I will list some of the notable players I have beaten here and you can visit my Wiki page where you can view all of my results. The list I will start with is Riddles, Maister, Myran, Dark Wizzy and many others as well. My favorite way of coaching is to first dissect exactly what they hope to gain. Sure its good to have practice with inputs but there is so much game theory to be discussed about why you make the decisions that you do. In terms of previous coaching experience, I have been lucky to be a coach for an Esports program called RoughRiders and have coached many players within my own scene such as Acid, Chronos, Robber and many others. I have also always kept an open line to many people learning ZSS. A typical lesson will start with a discussion of what goals we want to set for the meeting as well as writing up a plan for how we want the lesson to go. I tend to prefer a bit of structure due to my experience as a teacher and I value reviewing Vods to learn where we make mistakes. There are also opportunities where we can go into game and look at various positions and set play and work on how to move forward. I will always say smash growth is rarely linear and so we will always end with a top 3 takeaways for the day and a debrief. Stealing my teaching experience I will say lessons are structured after a workshop model so that people get an opportunity to search for some of the answers in order to better internalize them.

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Live vod reviews / Mindset Coaching

Focus in this is on the game theory and helping find areas of improvement as well as how to focus on tournament pressure. Come with a set or two in mind to watch.

1 Session 1 hour
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Vod Review per match

I will go through and point out any glaring habits and put forth a list of areas to improve on.

1 Session 1 hour
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Beginner Smash Lesson

In this we can go over some of the basics of competitive smash and many of the pitfalls beginner players start at. I highly recommend this only if you are just starting out.

1 Session 1 hour
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ZSS Beginner Practice

In this lesson we will practice some ZSS specific skills and focus on various elements of the character. This is perfect if you wanna start getting the hang of ZSS.

1 Session 1 hour
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Out of State Tournament planning

In this lesson, I spend time helping you maximize your trip out of state. Organizing how to plan flights/hotels, and general tips for what to do while at a tournament event so that you can enjoy the trip and maximize it. (NO SMASH REVIEWING WILL OCCUR IN THIS)

1 Session 30 mins
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IRL Session

Offering the same as a virtual session however if you live in Colorado I can do it IRL. Need to DM though to setup good time since this is more difficult to plan.

1 Session 1 hour
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1 Vs 1 with review.

In these lessons we will play some 1v1 games where we focus on different ideas like positioning, advantage, disadvantage and what to work on. Come to this ready to ask and answer questions

1 Session 1 hour
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Improve your Smash Ultimate Mindset

In this training plan we will go over the many pitfalls that players have when attempting to improve in Smash Ultimate. We will be focusing on how to handle the pressure and environment around you, how to notice yourself and how to reset your composure in order to have you play at your peak. Even well rounded tournament players may find helpful strategies to improving their gameplay. As we move from mindset strategies, we will move further towards smash ultimate specific game plans and how to

8 Sessions 8 hours

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