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Challenger Jungler who has played League of Legends since Open Beta. Competed in a variety of different tournaments such as the LCS Expansion tournament, NA Challenger Series, NA LCS (as a sub), Oceanic Pro League, Twitch Rivals, Collegiate League of Legends, and Proving Grounds. Let me help you accomplish your goals as a jungler whether it's playing in a competitive setting or reaching a rank specific goal.

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Jungle VOD Review

This is just a standard Jungle VOD review but i will tailor it specifically to what you want to learn. Come to me with a goal in mind and I will help you reach your goal. Ex. SoloQ 1v9, Competitive Communication and Shotcalling.

1 Session 1 hour
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Live Coaching

I'm not a fan of live coaching because I think most people struggle in this "fast" environment. I will help you think in game when it's needed and try to help influence/develop your own thought process

1 Session 1 hour
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JG Champion Mastery

I am known for many niche champion picks and digging deeper into champion picks. This training plan will be live and VOD review for a specific champion that you want to achieve mastery in.

1 Session 1 hour
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SoloQ 1v9 Training Plan

Are you a jungler looking to climb to a higher rank? This training plan is meant to be personalized to your SoloQ needs. We will work together step by step to build you to become a high-level player.

5 Sessions 5 hours
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Professional Jungle Self-Improvement Plan

This is for players who are looking to play in competitive leagues such as collegiate/amateur. When I competed in professional Leagues I struggled a lot with consistency and just my level overall. I was able to self-reflect and utilize my mechanics to become very consistent with a deep champion pool. I will build you into the player that you strive to be. This is not meant for players looking to 1v9 in SoloQ. We will work together to build up your fundamentals and thought process to be able to fulfill the jungle role in a team environment. We will emphasize the competitive mindset and trying to find what makes you perform best. We will build a foundation that fits you so you're able to self-improve when the session is over.

8 Sessions 8 hours

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