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My name is Nick and I have been playing FPS games for about 20 years and started on Apex day 1 and have been able to learn and develop through all of the meta changes gaining a large amount of knowledge and skill of the maps and legends. I also have experience in competitive Game Battles from my Call of Duty days than transitioned over to Counter Strike leagues on ESEA and Faceit and than into Valorant solo Q into D3 on release. My passion for Apex Legends has allowed me to solo Q to Masters and be a dominant player in PUBS regardless of the legend I use. I am stepping into the coaching scene to help upcoming players that have either been stuck grinding up in the ranks or want to become dominant in PUBS. I have been helping viewers on my Twitch stream for the past 7.5 years casually and now it is the time to step fully into coaching.

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General 1 on 1 Coaching (ON STREAM)

During this one hour session I will be helping you to learn in game when and how to take smart fights as well as proper timing on your abilities as well as mine. (You pick what legend I use as well so can see 2 legends in action)

1 Session 1 hour
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Legend Focused Coaching (ON STREAM)

This lesson will assume that you have a good understanding of the game and are not looking at focusing on improving your specific skills with a legend.

1 Session 1 hour
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PUB Stomping Coaching (ON STREAM)

The focus of this lesson will be learning the best buildings for loot and how to take smart fights while dropping HOT hunting for high damage and kill games!

1 Session 1 hour
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Ranked Vod Review (ON STREAM)

Send me over a entire ranked game recording and I will in detail watch the game on stream breaking down all the correct and incorrect things done by voice as well as writing on a notepad with time stamps. You will be sent a highlight from my stream with the breakdown as well as a notepad of all of my taken notes.

1 Session 1 hour
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Rookie to Plat 1 Month Progression

In this 1 month plan I will be helping gamers between the ranks of Rookie - Plat to build a foundation in either ranked or pubs while narrowing down weaknesses and work on progressing them into strengths for solo and/or team play!

4 Sessions 4 hours
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Plat 1 to Masters 1 Month Progression

In this 1 month plan I will be helping gamers between the Plat to Diamond focus in on the small tweaks that need to be made in order to make it to the top! I will be narrowing down weaknesses and work on progressing them into strengths in ranked.

4 Sessions 4 hours

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