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Hey! My name is André "ShulkN" Webjørnsen. I've been playing competitive PvP games for more than 20 years now, but more focused on the FPS genre for the past 15 years, such as CS, Overwatch, Fortnite and very much lately Apex Legends, which is what i am most focused on as of right now. I always look to improve and perfect my gameplay and playstyle, improvement mindset on steroids. Prior to joining Metafy I've been the top performing coach at Fiverr for the past 3 years: A Youtube video can only get you so far in terms of getting good information, but as a coach i get to analyze YOUR fundamental skills and give you the personalized feedback to really put you on the right track towards optimizing your play time to drastically improve your practice efficiency. I this gig I will teach you my ways of thinking with my coaching strategies by utilizing all your learning senses: Visual, auditory, kinesthetic, as well as your reading/writing.

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Replay Review - Public Matchmaking

This is a Replay Review specified for Public matchmaking gameplay. The core of your practice should be attached to the Public matchmaking part of the game, as it will provide the most amount of recappable moments to reflect upon, dyeing is just a stepping stone towards making you a better player. I will give you an assessment of your overall skillset as well as accurately point out flaws in your gameplay with marked annotations and detailed drawings in the timeline of your provided recording. Usually 1 day delivery time, maximum 2 if it's a busy day.

1 Session 1 hour
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High End Movement

Ever wanted to break some ankles with the crazy movement engine of Apex? In this session we will break down all the core complex movement mechanics Apex has to offer, such as: Tap Strafing B-hop Zipline boost Wall jump Momentum shift Super glide As the meta game evolves movement is starting to creep up as one of the fundamental ways of playing the game in a optimal way. Apex movement can be both complex and frustrating when you start out, but with my strategies and directions we will set you up for success when practicing your movement. Leave your enemies in confusion and a broken ankle before they back out into the lobby!

1 Session 1.5 hours
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Fundamental Deep Dive - Recommended

In this Live session we will dive deep into the fundamentals of Apex. You will learn to see the game in a more organized and structured way, as well as learning how to analyze your own gameplay in the most effective way possible. We will redirect your focus to the most crucial elements of the game, with the full breakdown of What, Why and How: What to practice Why practice it And How to do it in the most efficient manner. The main goal of this session is to teach you on how to teach yourself.

1 Session 2 hours
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Follow Up Session

This is a session for those who want a follow up after you have participated in one of my other listed sessions. Do not book this as a first time session.

1 Session 1 hour
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Replay Review - Ranked

This is a Replay Review specified for Ranked gameplay. I will give you an assessment of your overall skillset as well as accurately point out flaws in your gameplay with marked annotations and detailed drawings in the timeline of your provided recording. Usually 1 day delivery time, maximum 2 if it's a busy day.

1 Session 1 hour

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