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8+ years of competitive experience in Tekken, coached over 30 students that have become tournament players. I go by Shy or Shy The Rula I am a Professional Tekken Player for Luminary Gaming @lmnygaming3113 Follow me on Twitch & Twitter/X @ShyTheRula Battling GM, Super Akouma, Kazuha, and Pikoham for the #1 spot! Shout out to all the Lee mains! Follow my handles for more content & live streams! Twitch // TwitterX //

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This training session involves me assisting you with match up knowledge for any character in the roster. I will go over a method to help with learning how to counter any match up you struggle with. At the end of the session I will provide a document summarizing key points of the session.

1 Session 1 hour
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In this training lesson I will provide live feedback & evaluation of your strengths & weaknesses. At the end of the session I will deliver a document with a recap of the main points of the session with homework.

1 Session 1 hour

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Submit a VOD of online, tournament or offline matches for review. I will deliver a document of all tips, adaptations, errors, and strategies to level up your gameplay.

1 Session 30 minutes
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Intermediate Training Course

This course is strictly for intermediate level players who are new or returning to Tekken. I will provide you help with understanding of the game mechanics, approach, philosophy, and give you routines to improve your fundamentals!

3 Sessions 3 hours
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In this lesson I will show you techniques on how to korean backdash, sidestep/sidewalk, and teach you how to make movement based decisions while keeping yourself safe.

1 Session 30 minutes
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This training session will be focused solely on practice mode methods to sharpen your fundamentals. Use practice mode the right way! Practice makes perfect!

1 Session 30 minutes
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Pick up a new character or lock in with your current and learn how the pros play them! This lesson plan is for you! (For intermediate +) It will consist of: Drills, approach, tech, etc.

2 Sessions 2 hours

Montel Chilliams

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This training plan is strictly for new players just starting out with Tekken for the first time. We will cover all concepts of Tekken from top to bottom to get you started on the best path.

4 Sessions 4 hours
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