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Teamfight Tactics

Silver Surfers

This group will be dedicated to understanding the key fundamentals needed to climb in TFT for every Set

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From the community

bromshowʼs avatar



Really knows his stuff, very knowledgable. I learned a lot, would recommend tyvm

Trolltyg_ʼs avatar



Great coach that goes over things in depth. Learning alot!

mistespʼs avatar



Very easy to understand, quick to point out mistakes and give suggestions.

421ʼs avatar



Understands TFT with insanely great knowledge, learned so much from the free intro. Can't wait to get the training set :)

Niicholaiʼs avatar



Very professional, was more than happy to explain everything in depth and make sure I understood the lesson in full without leaving me wondering.

daggerdiqueʼs avatar



Great coach! Very eye opening sessions. Helps you see things you didnt before and fix flaws in your game. Also great at teaching comps/strongest board/position

Challengemasterʼs avatar



I've tried a few different coaches, and out of them all Silver is definitely unique. He has a really cares about his students and will help however possible

aricastʼs avatar



Great coach, learned alot that I haven't thought about (D2) with augments, items, and choosing a comp to head for

Duckbillʼs avatar



Silver is one of the greatest coaches out there, he is funny, kind, and knowledgable about the game. He knows how to call out mistakes and educate in a nice way. If you struggle with any aspect of the game silver sill be able to solve that problem. Ps: Silver helped me hit challenger when i was grandmaster, i learned so much and it carries over into what i now teach my students. Im a metafy coach btw :)


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silvermadking's server for TFT coaching

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$10.00 / month

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$40.00 / month

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About me

Meet your Community host




About me

Greetings, My name is Silver, and I have been a dedicated player of Team Fight Tactics since its inception. Through my relentless pursuit of excellence, I have cultivated a comprehensive understanding of the game's mechanics and have achieved Challenger status in each set thus far. I am proud to sa...

  • Location GMT+2
  • Joined
Frequently asked questions

Why do you coach TFT?

enjoy the game and teaching the game so others can fall in love with TFT too! I have built a wonderful community around the game and hope to continue coaching at an affordable price. Thanks for coming to my page!

What was your peak ?

Rank 40 Euw

What do you focus on in your coaching sessions?

I focus on the following skills: Econ, Positioning, Building Strongest Board, Choosing a Direction, Itemization, Keeping Tempo, Capping Boards, Adapting a Board to the Lobby, and much more!

What's your goal in TFT?

My goal is to fully understand the set to coach you to the best of my ability. I am a coach first and a competitive player second.

If you are located in Lebanon, can I still book a session if I am in the US?

Yes, my hours are very flexible and I normally stay up late coaching NA players.

Is it okay to message you on discord with questions before I book a session?

Yes, feel free to message me at Silvermadking and I will respond as soon as I can


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