Comprehensive Corrin Course
This session will teach you everything you need to know about the Vallite Princess: Corrin. This session will cover the following to give you what you need to become a better Corrin player: - Optimal combos and alternative routes, including mixups and potential reads - How to condition the opponent to maintain a strong neutral and advantage state - How to ledgetrap and edgeguard properly - All states of disadvantage, including recovery, landing and getting off ledge - Neutral play including how to space with Corrin properly and what movement options are optimal - Understanding what each move does and when/where to use them optimally I have mained Corrin since 2022 and she is my primary competitive character alongside Chrom. I have played Corrin competitively since smash 4 and through the entirety of smash ultimate. She is my most used character in ultimate by a considerable margin and the one I consider myself most knowledgeable about. I have created and popularised techniques with Corrin that current top Corrin players use as parts of their play. If you have any questions about Corrin or this session, feel free to join my discord server and ask away.