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Live Coaching Session

1 Session 1 hour $20

Real time coaching in an arena with me for an amount of time of your choosing. We will do a quick consultation prior to your session (completely free of charge) to establish some of your goals, characters and personal preferences. This is so we both get to know each other and establish aims prior to a session to make sure it is both enjoyable and productive. You will be given real-time feedback between games relating to your main points of strength and key areas for development. I will also offer other pointers that will further your development. In addition to this, I will make a written development plan for you to assist and guide you as you train. The development plan will include the parts of your play that you should continue to execute well, the areas of your play that would benefit from closer attention and specific points to focus on to assist with your training and development. For these sessions, you can use up to 2 characters in a session. This is to make sure that your written development plan is focused and that feedback given is able to be acted upon reliably. If you wish to ask questions about smash or my services, feel free to join my discord - free of charge. Sessions are $20 for 1 hour, however consecutive hours add $15 per hour (e.g. 2 hours would be $35). All coaching sessions come with written notes for you to use and keep.

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