



I'm Kyra, better known as Spammage, one of the best Ice Climbers in the business. I've been playing Smash Bros. competitively since 2018. In my first three months of playing I was ranked on my city's Power Rankings, and in the next three, my states. In that time I have since been currently ranked No.1 in my home state of Queensland, gathered multiple wins over the best players in Australia and become one of them myself. I'm an extremely technical player constantly pushing towards improvement. My strengths lie in high amounts of game knowledge and a strong understanding of how to improve as a player. I can coach for all characters in the game but best with Ice Climbers. If you're looking to understand your character, the game, or mentality when approaching it, I can help with one on one VOD review and live coaching. All skill levels welcome, just know what you want out of our sessions as I can always adjust for your personal goals and understandings.


Training Plan


Ice Climbers Master Course

About Me

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