



With my knowledge gained over many years, I believe that I am able to quickly help you improve. Due to the fact that I am competing with the best players in tournaments, I still need to constantly think how to be better and better. That is why I am always familiar with this process. Experience has shown me that it is worth to consider every problem from a different angle, therefore I should recognize your weakness quickly

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TVP early and mid game

The line when a protoss become a nightmare for terran players is very thin. In this matchup, a very accurate build order is the key and increases your chances of winning the most.

1 Session 1 hour
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I consider this lesson as the most important and resulting in magnificent improvment. I will show you the existing mechanics in the game, how to use control groups, pay attention to your set up and more

1 Session 1 hour
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TVZ early and mid game

I will teach you basic build orders that safely allow you to survive all your opponent's allins and other tactics. You will reach easily later stages of the game such as lategame to become a solid player.

1 Session 1 hour
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Army composition and unit control

I will teach you what army you need to build and how to control it the most effectively

1 Session 1 hour
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Aggresive build orders

We will be learning offensive strategies such as allins or light pressure builds. One in each matchup by default, however the final decision is yours

1 Session 1 hour
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Scouting part 1

In every matchup there are very difficult strategies to deal with like allins or very greedy plays in which if you don’t react properly you put yourself in a tough position. I will teach you how and when to scout and how to adapt correctly to your opponent’s play

1 Session 1 hour
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Replay analyze

Recommended only after completing most of the lessons offered

1 Session 1 hour
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Lategame stage

Lategame is my favorite stage of the game, to be successful in it you need to know a couple of details. The army composition is very essential here, as well as patience, unit positioning, proper harras and scouting. This is practically a summary of everything we learned in the first lessons, where without for example correct control groups usage you will not be able to go further.

1 Session 1 hour
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Scouting part 2

1 Session 1 hour
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TVT early and mid game

I would say TVT is a pretty calm matchup compared to TVP and TVZ, it doesnt require too high of a mechanical skills however it does require a lot of knowledge like proper army composition, unit management or positioning which you can quickly learn on my lesson.

1 Session 1 hour
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Ultimate terran training

My great training plan will take you to a whole new level in starcraft 2 Buying all 10 lessons will save you $45

10 Sessions 10 hours
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Ultimate terran training | Shortened

Shortened version of the training plan `` Ultimate terran training '' Buying all 6 lessons will save you $45

6 Sessions 6 hours

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