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Hello, i'm stefanko, s13 1247LP rank 1 EUNE and 968LP Challenger EUW. I've been rank 1 Jax world on league of graphs multiple times. I play many top laners, but i'm mostly known for my Jax pick. I played competitive as well, so feel free to reach out to me for a coaching related to any champ or role.

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Vod review

I will share my screen and we will watch the vod. We will review it in detail, mention all of macro concepts, focus on your mistakes and how to improve them, and i will also mention some of the possible scenarios and how to deal with them that didn't happen in the game, but will happen frequently. I will also note everything that's mentioned, so i can send you the recap of everything we talked about in the end of the session, and make sure you understand everything that was talked about.

1 Session 1 hour
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Live game + vod review

In this session you will stream the live game to me, i will guide you throughout the game making sure to correct your micromanaging and piloting the game. After the game is over, i will share my screen and we will watch the vod. We will review it in detail, mention all of macro concepts, focus on your mistakes and how to improve them, and i will also mention some of the possible scenarios and how to deal with them that didn't happen in the game, but will happen frequently. I will also note everything that's mentioned, so i can send you the recap of everything we talked about in the end of the session, and make sure you understand everything that was talked about.

1 Session 1.5 hours
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Monthly plan

With this training plan we will do a session every week for 4 weeks straight. First session will be live game with vod review to see how you pilot the game. We will focus on setting you on a good foot, explain macro and micro concepts you should improve on, and make sure you start improving on them instantly. Every week after first one will be similar, but we will only do a vod review and put more emphasis on the things that are making you lose games that you can win, and make you improve on them as fast as possible.

4 Sessions 4 hours

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