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Sup fellow RL player! My name is Mateus, but some people know me most as STL(not from St Louis, but from the initials of my middle names) and I'm a Brazilian Rocket League Coach, currently coaching Furia. As many, I started as a player, beginning my journey in 2015 playing in a PS4. 2018-2019 was when I was starting to get Top 8 places in the SAM regions with some friends. After some months and college on my way, I started taking more of a background role, beeing a substitute for the first 2 RLCS Seasons(Season 7 and 8) in Orchid team. My first coached team was with Sapphire in Season 9, where we could, with 2/3 rookies break thought the League Play and almost reching playoffs. The game changer was when the former Novus Aevi in Season X invited me to be their substitute and later their coach in the Winter Split. With then, we battled with True Neutral for the SAM First Place, winning 1 Regional, 1 Regional Major and getting 2 overall in the Championship. By now at Season 2021-2022(or XI, no worries), we are beating records, not just in SAM but also internationally, getting the most victories and also the best placement ever for a SAM team, in the Winter Major, getting 3 wins and reaching Top 6 overall. I love play the game, but I also love to watch a bunch of replays and making everyone involved reaching their potential. Rocket League is an easy to learn game but hard to master, you gotta have commitment and will to be the best, or at least improve daily, even if by a little margin. My goal in those lessions is improve every player in both individual and collective aspects. This game is not just mechanics and crazy goals, you still have rotations, decision making, the thinking process and, the highest one there, the MENTAL part. Let's go, conquer the world

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Lets see you play

You and me, on Discord! Stream your ranked match(yes, live!) to me! Understanding the reasons for your decision making is a crucial part of the process. You try to explain your way of think, I try to provide the best options to you. After the live match, you save the replay and we watch with more calm

1 Session 30 mins
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Team Coaching

Replay to analyze your team playstyle + communication

1 Session 1 hour
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Lets see your replay

We would watch a replay together in Discord, identify general and also specific mistakes you make. Also would present to you possible options to you get over those mistakes and always improve. That would be from mindset until training packs. Can be 1v1, 2v2, 3v3, or even Extra Modes. Just upload a random video and send me the replay file in discord and we jump into a call to do it.

1 Session 1 hour
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Always improving. In a daily or monthly basis. Take your time, follow the steps, and always be better than yesterday

5 Sessions 5 hours

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