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πŸ™‹β€β™‚οΈ Hey! I am Stolen and I have been a professional RLCS coach for over 4 years now. πŸ“I have more than 10000hs spent on coaching, helping from begginers (climbing up 6 ranks in just two week in some cases) to RLCS pros to achieve their goals. 🧐 My coaching philosophy is teaching you how to IMPROVE at the game, and not just how to PLAY it. This will allow you to not just improve in the short run, but also keep improving on your own. πŸ‘¨β€πŸŽ“ I also have a Professional Coaching, Lidership and Oratory degree, which means I will teach you think, train and feel like a pro (if that's your goal!). πŸ“ˆ About my sessions: 0. What do you need for our class? A replay of yourself. The best would be a ranked game that you lost by 1 or 2 goals and you don't know what you could have done better. 1. We begin by introducing each other so I get to know which are your goals and what’s your background. As I said, the replay itself is not everything. 2. We will watch a replay together on Discord and I will be showing you the main reasons why you don’t rank up (following the 80-20 rule). I use a tool to draw on the screen so you can graphically see what I am talking about. I will teach you some tricks to see the game the way pros see it. 3. We will play a couple games together to wrap around the session and put everything you learned in practice! 4. After the session I will send you a summary and training packs that I created so you can train mechanics and skills that are fundamental for improving.

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1 on 1 Live Coaching - Premiumβœ”οΈ

The best session if your goal is to improve in this game. You'll learn macro and microgame secrets that will help you rank up 80% faster (Yes, this has been tested!)

1 Session 1 hour
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Pro Rocket League πŸš€
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Team Coaching πŸ‘₯

Turning groups into TEAMS 🀝 Wanna rank up with your lads? Looking to sign up for a tournament? Even seeking to make it to RLCS? THIS is the session you are looking for.

1 Session 2 hours






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Free Introduction

A 10/15min call in which you get to know me and about my coaching. Does not include: solving doubts related to the game, playing together or replay analysis.

1 Session 30 mins

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