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I am Superberry. I am 18 year old competitive smash player. I live in Oklahoma and I am one of the best mii brawler in the world. I like to play smash anytime I get the chance and love to play fun matches with any players. You can find my results through this Document: . Any other questions or comment can be talked through my Twitter: @ESuperberry. I have been a new upcoming high level smash player in the scene prioritizing with the character Mii Brawler. I was a previous #1 best smash player in Oklahoma. I have been known as one of the most consistent players in Oklahoma winning 12 Smash Ultimate tourneys in a row. I have traveled through 5 states as of competing and have many memorable feats such as winning the Arkansas Regional only dropping 1 game throughout the entire tourney, placing top 8 at a pre major tourney in Texas with wins over Lui$, CrowZ, etc, and placing top 70 in the past 2 majors I've been to as of recent. I have given many players in my region coaching even outside the character I have Committed playing for over 2 years. I love to give advice on my Twitter about improving mentality and even just basic life advice to keep my fans interested, positive, and to help their day out when needed. I have made 2 discord servers with a big community of people. What I like to do in both of my servers are hosting Smash Bros Ultimate Tourneys with 10$ prize pots to help the players that are in need of practice, or for more experience into how does playing in a bracket supposed to go. You can check more past records about me through these links: - - - My past coaching experience has gone very well and has been improving ever since. I have been coaching for High School smash for a year now. My more memorable feat from coaching was when I have been invited from esport colleges to provide advice to gameplay and mentality. After practice the college teacher thanked me on the good notes I have left players on after practice and hoping I would come back soon. I love to give advice whenever I can even after tournament sets. I have been coaching players for smash for almost a year prior to competing. The main character I prioritize coaching for is Mii Brawler. I can coach in any move set combination possible for this character. I have my own personal coaching plans with cheap prices going for as low as 5$ and you are able to get any help you need with Mii Brawler. You can check out past feedbacks from coaching and vouches here: - - My Twitter is @ESuperberry if you want more information on my coaching experience. How my lessons work when I begin is I first get to know the player more to understand their ego and to understand what they wanna learn from this lesson. I give the list depending on the amount on what they wanna learn whether it is how to play the character, how to fight against the character, or both. We will then play a couple of games and then I will point habits out to where I can see there being some problems and how can it be fixed in a real scenario. I make sure through each game to talk to my student about if I am going too fast or too slow to make sure we are on the same page. After we are done I give the student a recap about what I said, ask any more questions if necessary then a shoutout (optional).I wanna make sure my students are comfortable with the lessons and that they can be taught in the best and most efficient way possible. For any other questions about me my discord is Superberry#5406 and my twitter is @ESuperberry.

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How to play Mii Brawler (Beginner)

Ill be going over the basics to how to play this character, What's their best move set combination, and match ups that are favorable and bad for Mii Brawler.

1 Session 1 hour
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How to play Mii Brawler (Expert)

Ill be going over more advance movement for Mii Brawler, How move set combination can affect match ups, frame data advantages, tougher combo routes etc. We will play friendlies until you feel comfortable with the routes

1 Session 1.5 hours
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Mentality help

If you feel down and need some motivation to lift you up from a loss book this lesson and Ill land you a hand. Any character is allowed

1 Session 30 mins
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Mii Brawler Vod Review

You will send me your past sets and I will review and debunk some good and bad habits and I will let you know what to change and what to leave. $6 per vod

1 Session 1 hour
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Mii Brawler monthly Wii sports boxing tips

This is a training plan for Mii Brawler players on some tips and hints you can use in sets. This will help cover some habits you may not have spotted yet or some new tricks you can practice and use in serious matches.

5 Sessions 5 hours
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Getting into master rank

I will teach you the fundamentals of each rank and what's the best way in countering the players

1 Session 1 hour
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Player Help.

I'm gonna go over your habits as a player no matter the character and give you physical and mental advice

1 Session 1 hour

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