Team Top Cut

Team Top Cut


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Team Top Cut is here to help with a roster of experienced players and coaches! We're excited to help see players who want to improve have accessible, affordable coaching from a roster of players who know what they're doing. We have multiple YCS and NAWCQ tops across the roster, and members with years of coaching experience ready to help you! Current Team Roster: - Alistair Edwards - Brendan Outlaw (Captain) - Brian Dong - Hunter Lloyd - Nicolai Solo - William (Trey) Johnson

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Free Starter Session

We offer all potential students a free, first session to allow them to decide whether or not they would like to pursue coaching as an option towards their growth as a player. It would be best if you weren't spending money on coaching, only to discover that you gained nothing from it. We will use this session to: - Make introductions - Discuss what made you think you want/need coaching - Pinpoint areas where you need coaching so we know where to focus our efforts - Figure out days and times you would be most available

1 Session 30 mins
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Welcome, New/Returning Player!

Are you new to the game or returning to it for the first time in years? This is the session for you! We offer an extraordinarily cheap coaching service for any players struggling with the barrier to entry that our beloved game suffers from. Yu-Gi-Oh! is the greatest card game on the planet, and one that we strongly feel as many people as possible should be able to participate in and enjoy. We do, however, understand that it is an extremely daunting task to undertake and we want to make sure that you feel comfortable stepping into that environment. This session is run by Coach Brendan, Captain of Team Top Cut and a coach with years of experience coaching for Ohio State's collegiate Yu-Gi-Oh team. His familiarity and experience teaching players with no prior knowledge how to play has given him the skills required to give you the best coaching in the business when it comes to starting to play! In this session, we will: - Give you an outline of the route we will be taking with your entry to the game - Provide you with a list of resources that will help ease access to any cards or information you might need - Help you separate the fluff and filler from what is important, so you don't strain yourself trying to absorb too much information at once - Teach you the rules, provide examples that will help make things easier to understand, and give you opportunities to practice - Give you a list of benchmarks that you can pursue with or without us to help segment the learning process so you don't get overwhelmed - Answer and assist with any questions you have!

1 Session 1 hour
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Gameplay and Playtesting

Looking for a tailored testing session against high-level players? Look no further! To put it simply, we'll play test with you and coach you through gameplay as it happens. We can do anything from open hand play where we discuss lines you can take to serious, sit down and grind out Yu-Gi-Oh! This is a great service to help not only learn how to play your deck, but learn how to play your deck into specific matchups. We will play whatever decks you would like for us to play so that we can help give you as authentic of an experience as possible. We feel that it is important that you walk away from this session not only feeling more confident and comfortable with playing your deck, but also feeling the same way playing against other decks.

1 Session 1.5 hours
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Film Analysis

Film analysis is critical to improving on a competitive level. There is no better way to improve than to study the most important moments you've experienced and learn WHY they were so important. Please bring footage or recordings of your gameplay for us to use, otherwise, we can use footage recording during a previous gameplay or playtesting coaching session with us. In this session, we will watch the film of your previous gameplay and break down key moments. These key moments include: - Mistakes made - Notable plays - Critical decisions - Opportunities to play differently - Identifying weak spots in the opponent's gameplay for future use - Answering and assisting with any questions you have!

1 Session 1 hour
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Understanding the Meta

Keeping track of all the information this game throws at you can be overwhelming or difficult for many players. This session's focus is on helping save you time and trouble, and to have all the information you're looking for consolidated and ready to go! In this session, we will: - Explain, in-depth, the decks currently popular in the meta - Provide you with information regarding the cost of decks and the risk/benefit of purchase including if there is any known information regarding potential impacts to the third-party market around them - Give you information on the best techs, hand traps, and board breakers for the current meta - Make sure that you walk away feeling comfortable entering a tournament setting knowing what you are likely to play against and how they work. - Give you information regarding potential upcoming changes to the meta due to ban lists, set releases, or meta trends that will be impacting the current state of the game to help give you a head start on the next meta. - Answer and assist with any questions you have!

1 Session 1 hour
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Understanding Deck Building

While we here at Team Top Cut aren't the type to shame net-decking, we are the type to encourage players to create their decklists. We find that understanding how to build a deck properly is critical to the player's long term success with both the deck and any future decks they will build. In this session, we will: - Assist with the deck-building process for any deck(s) of your choosing - Teach you the core tenets of deckbuilding so you can translate them to any deck you build - Provide you with helpful resources and teach you how to use them - Answer and assist with any questions you may have!

1 Session 1 hour
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General Coaching

The best option for all-around coaching. If you're looking to cover more than one aspect, like Meta talk and gameplay/film analysis in the same session, this would be the best pick. The session will flow between topics as they become relevant. It is well suited to people who might not know what their areas of need are for more in-depth coaching. Additionally, this is a useful session for someone who wants a wide variety of assistance built around a core of something specific (their deck, event, market-watch, meta trends, etc.)

1 Session 1 hour
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Edison Coaching

Come receive coaching from extremely experienced Edison players! Team Top Cut's roster is home to players who have seen consistent success in the format on both the small and large scale. If you're looking to walk away from a YCS with a handful of Edison flight wins under your belt, this coaching session is the way to go. In this session, we will: - Help you understand the core principles of the format - Break down ways to ensure maximum value in the deck of your choice - Teach you the core cards to look out for, play, and play around - Help prepare you for competition - Answering or assisting you with any questions you have!

1 Session 1 hour
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Judge Coaching

Here we offer coaching to help you with entering the world of Judging! Judging is an extremely critical aspect of the game, basically making or breaking the quality of an event. There is more to judging than just knowing the rules, and this session is dedicated to helping prepare you for that. In this session, will: - Help prepare you for the judge exam (we will NOT assist you during the process of taking it) - Give you context and tell you about some of our first-hand experiences so you know what to expect - Teach you judge etiquette when it comes to handling disgruntled players, rulings, and tough situations you might not have been expecting - Give you access to judge resources such as info sheets that you can keep on you during events to ensure comfort and preparedness - Review upcoming events to see if you might have interest in participating as a judge

1 Session 1 hour

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