Tier 1 - Deck Lists And Monthly Q&A

$25.00 / month

Gain access to my Discord server and my most updated deck lists! I try to only post and comment on deck lists I have put a considerable amount of time with, to not spread misinformation. You can also ask questions about anything for the monthly Question and Answers video.

Exclusive benefits

  • Prepare Like a Pro
  • Deck List Access
  • Access To Q&A
  • Discord role

Recommended tier

Tier 2 - Weekly Group Session

$40.00 / month

Get access to the weekly group coaching session! This session will vary in content and is meant to cover all the most important updates throughout the season. Here we will discuss new card announcements, my most updated lists and how to play them, gameplay reviews, general updates, and keeping up with the metagame as it evolves. We will do questions and answers at the end of each session. If you can't be present live, the sessions will be recorded and uploaded. These sessions will be held each Wednesday, but some weeks might be shifted or skipped due to traveling. You will also get a 10% discount on all sessions.

Exclusive benefits

  • Weekly Group Session
  • Prepare Like a Pro
  • 10% Discount On All Sessions
  • All Benefits From Lower Tiers
  • Discord role

Tier 3 - Monthly Private Session

$130.00 / month
0 remaining

Access to everything in lower tiers. Guarantees you a monthly private coaching session, even when the regular schedule is filled up. We will work together to figure out a time that works for both of us.

Exclusive benefits

  • Monthly Private Session
  • Prepare Like a Pro
  • All Benefits From Lower Tiers
  • Discord role

Welcome to Metafy Pro

You now have access to the Tea Room. Some say the great minds in the Tea Room have a hand in shaping the very future of Metafy and gaming as a whole. We'll let you decide.

Be warned, dangerous, illogical experiments happen in the Tea Room. So, proceed at your own risk.

Redeem your exclusive Discord access

First, connect your Discord account!

Connect your Discord account

Step 1

Join the Discord

A giant, underground rendezvous of the greatest minds in gaming, far from the reek of social media’s sewers.

Step 2

Enter The Tea Room

An exclusive discord channel for our partners. Get the inside scoop on our business, advice on how to grow and more.