


I AM NEW ON METIFY--BUT--I AM NOT NEW IN LEAGUE OF LEGENDS--i have experience in coahing--and i have been playing this game since 2012---lets climb to the TOP TOGETHER!!! My discord: secret_razor Add me on discord to communicate there I have been high masters playing all roles especially mid and jungle with over 65% winrate ( not smurf account ) I peaked TOP 1000 EUNE, TOP 50 Katarina, TOP 35 Kha'Zix !!! Languages : English, Greek ( fluently ) I make educational videos and livestreams on twitch and youtube!!!3 HIT ME UP THERE Twitch : tsirOXx ( https://www.twitch.tv/tsiroxx ) YouTube : tsirOXx ( https://www.youtube.com/@tsirOXx )

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Live coaching and gameplay review

This session includes 2 sections : --First section-- You are going to be playing a game and i will explain to you the mindset you should have and the correct desicions you should take during the game to minimize your mistakes and increase your probabilities to win in an BIG way!! --Second section-- We are going to watch the game on replay again and discuss about the mistakes you did and what you should do instead.

1 Session 1.5 hours
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The correct jungle tips you need to climp

In this session i will share some tips that will help you climp through your elo by playing jungle. For example, jungle tracking, full clear, ganking, etc.

1 Session 30 mins

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