United Gosus Academy

The best Team in Yu-Gi-Oh! TCGs competitive History! Get professional guides of current and upcoming Decks by our players, join the roundtables and live coaching stream and be part of exclusive Remote / DB locals with all of our professional duelists! With more than 580 major top appearances, multiple YCS Wins, multiple continental and even World Champions we know the route to become succesful. Learn how to get the results you are aiming for and to become the next YCS-Champion.

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FULL VIDEO MASTERCLASS - MEMENTO Check out our full Memento Masterclass as a 16 chapter video guide! What can you expect out of it? We prepared all of the combos you need to know for you, also Anti-Mulcharmy lines, deck build approaches, advanced technical approaches etc. etc. If you want to learn the Deck from the beginning, the first chapters will show you a detailed overview on how the deck itself works. If you are already an experienced Memento player, check out all of the deck building / engines guides and the important anti Handtrap combos! Sven Rebmann has been around decades at the competitive scene. With his 11 major top appearances and 2x Top 8 finishes at YCSs he got a feeling for building up strategies and showcasing a complex deck at highest level. He reached Top 32 at the latest YCS in Bologna with his Memento Deck and is currently 9th place at the worlds qualification leaderboard in europe ( stand 30th January 2025 )
3hrs 4m

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UnitedGosus Academy

UnitedGosus Academy

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UG Academy Server Access

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$4.95 / month

Your first step to become the next YCS Champion! Get access to all of our inisghts at our Discord Server and feel free to ask all questions you want! You will also get access to weekly UG Online Locals with most of our professional players.

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  • Access to the UG Academy weekly locals
  • Access to the deck discussion area
  • 10% off to any professional guide
  • 2 Discord roles

United Gosus Academy Member

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$29.95 / month

Our goal is to enable duelists from all over the world the chance, to take the next step in their competitive Yu-Gi-Oh! TCG careers. This gives you exclusive access to the data of all our professional players worldwide.

Exclusive benefits

  • Exclusive content - Get all of our guides for free!
  • Eligible to join the exclusive UnitedGosus Remote / DB locals with some of the best players around the globe
  • Access to Q&A at regulary roundtables and streams within the Discord community
  • 3 Discord roles
About me

Meet your Community host


United Gosus Academy


About me

The best Team in Yu-Gi-Oh! TCGs competitive History! Get Masterclasses of current and upcoming Decks by our professional players, join the roundtables and live coaching stream and be part of exclusive Remote / DB locals with all of our professional duelists! With more than 580 major top appe...

  • Location GMT+1
  • Joined
Frequently asked questions

What exactly is the "United Gosus Academy" ?

Our goal is to enable duelists from all over the world the chance, to take the next step in their competitive Yu-Gi-Oh! TCG careers. This gives you exclusive access to the data of all our professional players worldwide.

What can i expect of the "United Gosus Academy"

You will get access to following services: - Access to current and upcoming professional guides of Meta Decks. Those will be regulary updated by our professional players. - You will be eligble to ask questions on any topic or strategy you like. Our players will answer you as best as they can. - Regulary "roundtables" where some of our most known players stream for the supporters. You can be an active part of the testing session. - You will be eligble to join the exclusive UnitedGosus online locals. Most of our duelists worldwide take part in it, so you will get the chance to play and learn together with them. - Current decklists and discussions surrounded by 30 of the best players in Europe and South America

Will there be an option for 1on1 coaching sessions?

No, not yet. We will add this feature for you later on.


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