



Coaching Reviews: https://bit.ly/3Q4INTi _____________________________________________________________________ Hello! My name is Stuart "WarLord" Graham, I am a Halo coach and a Pro Halo player. I started playing Halo in 2008 and have been a professional player, placing in the money since 2012. As for Halo Infinite, I am currently ranked Onyx 2000 in Ranked Arena. also as a Pro Player, I have had several top 2-8 Placements in major European tournaments such as the EU Super HCS Valencia and internationally have made it through the open bracket into pools multiple times placing top 20 at HCS Raleigh. How can I help you? We will find out what exactly is holding you back and how to improve your weaknesses. I will not just tell you what you are doing wrong, but install a solid foundation, giving you key concepts and ideas that will greatly improve your game. Every student is valuable to me, so you can be sure that I will always be around to help/answer any questions over Discord post-session. A session might include topics such as positioning, movement, decision-making, spawn control, power weapon control, mechanical basics, timing, communication, game sense, mindset, and target priority. So, would you like to climb the ladder? finally, see the results you want and not be stuck at your low rank or placement. if your answer is yes, then you definitely should choose me as your coach! I have devoted 13 years to understanding this game completely. Of course, you can try to review yourself, but it will not guarantee results and will cost you a lot of time. So let me do that work for you and give you the knowledge which will help to get your gameplay on a completely new level! Looking forward to working with you! You can find a full list of my Halo infinite Stats And overall Halo placements in the FAQ Section As well as a trailer for my Coaching and a link to the community Discord!

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