


//Who am I?// My name is Scott 'Westonway' and I'm currently the head coach for Pentanet.GG I've won two Australian titles & attended two major international tournaments. Including finishing top 6 in the world. I've also helped several of my past players achieve rank 1 in solo queue through intensive individual training regimes. //How can I help you?// As a League of Legends Coach with almost 9 years at the professional level, I've built experience coaching all aspects of the game. Therefore I can help YOU improve with any aspect of the game you need. I can assist you with improvement at all levels, including basic understanding of laning matchups, how to play your champion, basing, team fighting positioning & much more. If you're looking to go a step further, then I can assist with macro concepts applicable at the professional level of the game. //What does a coaching session with me look like?// Initially we will sit down to discuss where you're currently at with the game. We can talk about - What are your strengths? - What parts of the game are you struggling with? - What are your goals? - How do you like to learn? Once we have this discussion, I can build a specific personalised training schedule for you.

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