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I’ve spent years with competitive Smash Bros., starting out in Super Smash Bros. for Wii U. There, I had begun working toward where I am today, scoring several achievements I can be proud of to this day. I kept going, improving every step of the way, until I finally reached a point in my competitive career to where I could be considered renown, and of high prestige. While I intend to keep competing and improving, to create my next milestone, I also want to be a part of that same improvement for players seeking to better themselves in Super Smash Bros. I adore this game, and I’ve come to meet amazing people through it, while having an experience that made me feel like I could accomplish anything with hard work. So, I want to share that with others, who are trying to take that next step, or even their first. I’m a top Duck Hunt main in the United States, and regarded as among the top Duck Hunt mains in the world. I have consistently good placements at PGR-level majors, and am recognized as a top player within Heartland, and by extension the Midwest. With each lesson, there will be an engaging lecture with which the student is allowed to ask and answer questions, while making observations on their own play. I take pauses within each lesson to focus more on their play specifically rather than spend the entire time lecturing on broad concepts. I’m looking forward to working with you!

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How To Beat (Insert Character Here)

Here's a pleasantly cheap option for those just wanting matchup advice from a professional player. This is one of my favorite lessons, since I love talking about matchups in-depth and going over what options your character has against them. I'll pinpoint your concerns over the matchup in particular, and then guide you through so that you'll have a better understanding of what to do, and be able to play to the best of your ability!

1 Session 1 hour
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How To Defend

If you're looking to improve your defensive game, this is the lesson for you! In a detailed hour-long session, I will elaborate on defensive tactics and mindsets that can be deployed in a competitive match, and aid you in developing better strategies. This lesson will include: -How to deal with an opponent's effective threat range. -Zoning. -Whiff punishing. -Defensive options (Shield, Roll, Spotdodge, Counters) -Shield punishing.

1 Session 1 hour
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How To Approach

Trying to figure out how to be offensive in your set? Want to do better against camping opponents? This lesson will take the time to go over most of if not all facets of being the aggressive one in a competitive match, while helping you comprehend what to utilize in your own play. This lesson will include: -How to enter effective threat range. -Positional advantages and counterplay. -How to hit the opponent. -Safety and spacing. -Advantage state.

1 Session 1 hour
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Master Duck Hunt Lesson!

Looking to improve your Duck Hunt to the highest it can be? Want a lesson on how to beat the character, from the player that represents him at a top level? Are you just curious as to what this character is all about? Here's a great opportunity to learn, at a cheap price!

1 Session 1 hour
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VOD Review

$5 for Bo3 or Bo5 VOD reviews using Metafy's Replay review program! This can take time to prepare, and if issues crop up, I will message.

1 Session 1 hour
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Tournament Preparation

Got a tournament coming up, and you’re nervous about the line of opponents you’ll probably have to face? Are you tired of losing to a bracket demon? No worries, I can help prepare you! Matchups, strategies, you name it. I’ll look over your bracket, the players you’ll fight on your likely path, and spend most time on the players you want an extra edge in facing before the set begins. Note: This lesson cannot apply on the night of the tournament you’re going to. Try to sign up for this lesson a day or more in advance. Smash.gg brackets are preferred. Replays/VODs are always a huge help.

1 Session 1 hour
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1 on 1 Training

Let’s work out what you need some help with! Show me a replay, or play with me online (make sure you have LAN!) I’ll take the hour to look over your play, and then provide constructive criticism to guide you in the right direction toward improvement in your future sets. Feel free to ask questions during! Adding a session adds another hour. Price increases by $5 each time.

1 Session 1 hour
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Welcome to Super Smash Bros. Ultimate

You've picked the right person to help get you into competitive Smash Ultimate! Whether you're a casual player or somebody looking to get into the thick of things quickly, this class will put you in the right steps to becoming a comfortable and confident competitor for the journey to come. I have the price as low as it is to not dissuade new players from wanting to get invested in the game by making them spend a large amount of money.

3 Sessions 1.5 hours
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Basic Concepts in Competitive Smash

You’re ready to step into competitive Smash. Or, you’ve taken your first steps, and you want to touch upon some of the basic concepts to refine your core. This set of lessons is designed to teach the facets that are a big part of competitive Smash, and how a player can weather through all of it. This plan will not take place all in one day. Rather, I like to arrange a schedule that will work out for both me and the student. This may result in the training plan taking over the course of a couple days, but this also gives me the opportunity to overlook your progress from lesson to lesson, and give the student the time to reflect upon the teachings in time for the next lesson.

3 Sessions 1.5 hours

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