x45xʼs avatar



My name is Bowser "x45x" Aurelion! I am a full time content creator, focusing on competitive gaming, competitive theories/concepts, and teaching them. I have been playing fighting games in tournament since 2009, shooters since 2002, and Smash since 2011. I am no stranger to running tournaments, and participating in them. Which is why in the 2020's I decided to start fully dedicating my time to commentating and coaching these games I love! If you end up in a session with me, or even just visiting my streams - I have a large focus on breaking down ideas. Interdisciplinary study is an important part of competitive gaming, being able to adapt and understand ideas not only where they originate but where they can be applied elsewhere. There are massive similarities within gaming that are always fun to talk about, like pre-aiming in a shooter and pre-positioning in Smash after a knockdown. But they aren't just fun to talk about, they share a relevancy that can often help some players recognize something they already know and see it where they didn't used to. Another major point of discussion in my streams and sessions is mentality. Many players know the concepts, understand the mistakes, but they can't keep their head in the game. To which I know that feeling far too well. As someone who is neurodivergent, I have spent a ton of time to find methods that work for me. From focus and keeping your head in the game, to struggling with emotions in competition. I have been around for a long time and talked with a lot of players about mentality. I'm sure I can be of service! So if you're here for a session, any skill level from beginner to seasoned pro, I will have something to help you! If you end up on my streams, say hello! I'm always down to talk about Smash, or anything gaming! (Yes my name is actually Bowser)

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