



I'm 28 years old, born and raised in Boston, MA. I was born to Cape Verdean parents, that only know hard work. With that work ethic running through my genetics, I've been on a non-stop mission to be the Greatest Street Fighter Player on Earth, while elevating the people and players around me. With 13 years of experience, learning in communities as far as Japan, I am here to serve -you-. From the ranks of rookie, to WARLORDS, I've been able to help players of all skill levels. If it's the simple aspects of the game such as "How to use training mode", to masterful concepts like "Downloading your opponents", I will be able to convey abstract concepts to you in ways you may not have been mindful of. Be prepared to grow beyond your mental barriers and laugh a lot while doing it.

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Analysis Paralysis

This experience provide an in-depth breakdown of any replay of your choosing WITH ANNOTATIONS!! (Notes). (CFN, Youtube, Streams etc) Student will be asked if there is anything that you wish to be focused on. If not, things will be pointed out that will enhance your quality of play, and decision making.

1 Session 30 mins
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The student will shadow the teacher during their sets on ranked/battle lounge and while being in training mode. This will allow the student to follow along and track the mindset of high level players, while being able to ask questions.

1 Session 1 hour
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Character Crackdown

An in-depth exploration into a character. Start with watching a replay of the student, then a high level player and provide feedback to bridge the quality of the two.

1 Session 1 hour
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Shadow Training (Execution, Strategy, Character Optimization etc)

The student will play in their natural environment, while being observed and guided by the teacher with focus on goals, and gentle reminders in case they deviate from the objectives of their training.

1 Session 1 hour
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Precision Training

Choose any area of Street Fighter you'd like to improve on! EXAMPLES (but not limited to) : - Analyzing Matches - Fireball Game - Anti-Airing - Footsies - Matchups - Creating Strategy - Learning new characters - Mindset - Player Psychology - Note Taking - And many more!

1 Session 1 hour
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Intro to Fighter Academy : Foundation

**POPULAR LESSON** Here we discuss the Mindset and Skillset elements that will contribute to your journey of Street Fighter & Fighting game MASTERY! (with a Street Fighter 6 twist)

1 Session 2 hours
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Sparring Series (FT5, Analysis, Feedback + Homework)

In this course, experience highly concentrated sets with the instructor, followed by analysis, advice & curated homework assignments to complete leading up to your next session. NOTE : The instructor recommends a minimum of 100 games are played between each session, focused on the homework. If this is unrealistic for you, please do not invest.

3 Sessions 3 hours
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Elite Street Fighter 6 Training Experience

This concentrated experience will guide players of ALL skill levels through cultivation of a high level **mindset** & **skill set**. The goal is to teach the players "how to fish" so that they can reach new heights, break through self-imposed barriers to their goals and even level up those around them, if they choose to. Lessons are applicable to ANY fighting game as the emphasis is on the system of thinking critically, but it'll be through the Street Fighter 6 lens.

4 Sessions 4 hours

Dad Bod Ryu





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