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Replay Reviews

Super Smash Bros. Melee
Super Smash Bros. Melee
1 Session 1 hour $10

I will watch a match and give feedback on areas students want me to review as well as give pointers in areas that I see that can be improved on such as if you could have avoided an attack or why you missed an edge guard situation. I will then discuss why your option didn't work or could have been better, what happened, why it didn't work, what you could have done to make it work, and the outcome of the difference. I will usually take around 5 days to get back to you and if you have any questions on my feedback or would like me to go into more details, just leave a comment on the vod and message me so i can review and update my comments. To make a video to upload, you can open up slippi launcher, then under options, go to dolphin settings, playback, configure dolphin, and under movie at the top of the window, enable dump frames and dump audio. this will create a video file you can upload located at C:\Users\”Computer user name”\AppData\Roaming\ SlippiLauncher\playback\User\Dump\Frames For more accurate and clearer feedback, please enable develop mode by right clicking on your melee file in dolphin, go to properties, go to gecko codes and enable develop mode and once the replay has started, hold R and press up on the dpad twice to enable hitboxes, then hold y and press down on the dpad to enable frame data. This will help me get more accurate feedback from the vod. If you have any difficulty with uploading the file, I am happy to help walk you though it further.

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