


2 followers 1 following

18 | 2x Radiant Valorant Player who is looking to help individuals who want to get better at Valorant, to gain access to secret information that no one talks about in order to fly through the ranks of Valorant. I will critique you’re gameplay and give you the necessary tips and tricks in order to succeed. I have lots of experience in playing video games at a high level and can help you see some real progress

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In this 30-minute coaching session, we'll review and discuss your strengths and areas for improvement based on your input. You’re welcome to share any challenges you’re facing and ask about my other coaching options. The session may end before the full 30 minutes, but we’ll make sure to focus on giving you useful advice to help you improve your game.

1 Session 30 mins
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VOD Review/Analysis

In this session, we’ll review a recorded competitive match together. I’ll provide a detailed analysis of the gameplay, highlighting key mistakes and offering targeted feedback. Additionally, I’ll share valuable insights to help you improve in specific areas and elevate your overall performance.

1 Session 1 hour
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In this session, I will introduce you to advanced aim routines designed to enhance your mouse control, aim, and movement skills. While the session itself is just 30 minutes long, you’ll gain lifetime access to these routines, allowing you to practice and refine your skills at your own pace.

1 Session 30 mins

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