

Played Overwatch since Alpha/Beta, eSports production insider, and top 0.72% of ranking in 3D SteelSeries Aim Trainer.

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Twitch TV Success Package

2024 is in Session

1 Session 2 hours

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Success Package+

1 Session 4 hours
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Mei 1v1

I'll teach you all the mechanics and win conditions for Mei, all the applications of her walls and ultimate, with one map guide .PDF per session.

1 Session 30 mins
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Genji 1v1

We face off in the Practice Range and identify all the different strategies for Genji's kit

1 Session 30 mins
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Widow 1v1

[BEGINNERS ONLY] I will show you the requirements needed to apply the skills to play Widowmaker and land consistent headshots, the map placements and vantage points to camp a sniper's nest, as well as show you exactly how to play the character.

3 Sessions 4.5 hours
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Hanzo 1v1

Learn all the ins and outs of being a Pro Hanzo Main.

1 Session 1 hour
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Echo 1v1

I'll teach all the aerial movements and techs needed to play Echo as a beginner, and help you win a game.

1 Session 30 mins

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